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The Geoworld Foundation supports environmental projects to save and protect the environment. It also supports disadvantaged individuals of all ages to participate in the environmental field as Geologists, Geophysicists, Environmental Engineers, Wildlife Biologists, Solar Installers, Energy Experts and other environmental disciplines. The Geoworld foundation also performs research in areas such as Renewable Energy Resources and Global Warming.
The Geoworld Foundation is a nonprofit organization established in May of 2007 in the Atlanta / Georgia area.
This organization is incorporated in the State of Geogia.
The Geoworld Foundation was organized to:
Inform students of career opportunities that exist in the field of Geosciences. Encourage them to take advantage of scholarship programs, grant, and loans established for minority students. The foundation also gives financial support to students pursuing degrees in Geology and other environmental disciplines. Geoworld Foundation also allows minority Geologists to establish professional and inter-company relationships.
Visiting area high schools, colleges, universities, and churches with presentations and information pertaining to careers in Geosciences.
Holding student workshops where students are introduced to various disciplines within the Geosciences by people who are actively working in those disciplines.